I'm trying to make a post call with a simple object that has this structure:
{"name": "file.txt", "file": file}
is an object I get from an input file.
I have tried to make this call but i can't submit my object:
var elements = $element[0];
var file = elements.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].files[0];
this.fileName = file.name;
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', file);
var url = 'http://localhost:8080/upload';
var config = {
transformRequest: angular.identity,
headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}
$http.post(url, formData, config)
Any ideas on why this isn't working?
I recently had to do something smilar, it took a lot of fenagling to get the request to go through, but this configuration finally worked for us.
On a side note, it also took a lot of messing about on the server side so depending on what you have, you may need to do something else. This was for our Spring server.