So this is a programme of UML-toJava converter. The user has to input class name and class type(public/ private), and have the variables stored in virtual class
. I've made an ArrayList of class object to store users' input, String className
and boolean isPrivate
. Later the class name and type has to be printed in a GUI window for user to copy the text.
Below is the relevant code.
And more relevant code in the end of this post. and I am pretty busy now, will discribe the problem in detail later. thanks for comment!
GUI for user to enter class infomation -
private class Handler implements ActionListener{
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
VirtualClass virtualObject = new VirtualClass();
ClassName classO = new ClassName();
String name = inputClassName.getText();
virtualObject.className = name;
if (classO.checkName(name) == false){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Class name invalid. " +
"\nEntered name should not contain java keywords or equal to other existing names. " +
"\nPlease try again."); // Always return "invalid" message
} else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Class saved.");
name = inputClassName.getText();
virtualObject.className = name;
if (event.getSource() == publicButton) {
virtualObject.isPrivate = false;
} else if (event.getSource() == privateButton) {
virtualObject.isPrivate = true;
}// end actionPerformed()
}// end Handler class
Here is the virtual class
public class VirtualClass {
public boolean isPrivate;
public String className = "class name";
Here's the method to add a new virtual class
ArrayList<VirtualClass> classes = new ArrayList<VirtualClass>();
private int size = classes.size();
public void addClass(VirtualClass clazz){
here's the method to turn the boolean isPrivate
into a String
for display on screen.
public String setPublic(){
String s = "s";
for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++) {
if (classes.get(i).isPrivate)
s = " private";
s = "public";
return s;
And here's the method to generate the class information into String javaTextFile
public class GenJava {
ClassName classObject = new ClassName();
VirtualClass virtualObject = new VirtualClass();
String javaTextFile = (classObject.setPublic()+" "+virtualObject.className+"{\n}");
The error: when i opened the window which supposed to display String javaTextFile
in a JTextArea, only
s class name{
is displayed. so I guess nothing is stored in my ArrayList of virtual class? Please help me to see what's wrong.
more relevant code:
and here is the checkName()
method i used to check if the class name is equal to any java keywords or existing name in list
public boolean checkName(String name){
boolean check = true;
for (int i=0; i<=size; i++){
if (keyObject.containsKeyword(classes.get(i).className) || name.equals(classes.get(i).className)){
boolean o = false;
check = o;
}// end if
}// end for
return check;
}// end checkName
For containsKeyword()
in checkName()
I've used a JavaKeywords
class from How to check if the class name is valid? by @MrLore.
(here's more code & problem, which may not be relevant: Problems of checkName() and storing user input to ArrayList and boolean[] (solved!))