I am trying to show an image stored in local directory inside XAML design.
I have the path to local image.
<ListView x:Name="ViewImage" SelectionMode="None" IsActiveView="True">
<WrapGrid Orientation="Horizontal" MaximumRowsOrColumns="1" />
<Grid x:Name="imgGrid">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<Grid Height="50" Width="50">
<Grid Margin="2" Background="red">
<Image Source="{Binding imgArt}" Stretch="UniformToFill"
Height="40" Width="40"/>
string strImgPath = "ms-appx:///Images/Music/localImg.png";
public string imgPath
get { return strImgPath; }
imageClaz obj = new imageClaz();
obj.imgArt = imgPath;
public class imageClaz
public string imgArt { get; set; }
Both answers about BitmapImage are only partially right. In fact XAML has a build in converter and you can surely pass there a string unless you provide a converter. There may be several problems in your code:
you are not notifying UI about the change of the property - lack of INotifyPropertyChanged:
Example :
the second thing - I'm not sure if you had set the DataContext of image or its parents:
A sample you can download from GitHub.
You should use Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage if you are targeting WinRT app.
Just change the imgArt froms string to BitmapImage
and set the Image like this,
Source is of type ImageSource, not string. You can set the view model with something like this:
Where you use the path to create the Uri: