Can we use data-notify-url
attribute to received IPN?
script(src='paypal-button.min.js?', data-button='buynow', data-name='My product', data-amount='1.00', data-env='sandbox', data-notify_url='')
The payment was successful but it seems specified notify_url wasn't called.
I also used Instant Payment Notification (IPN) simulator
and enter my notify_url
but encountered the error below:
IPN Delivery Failed:503 Service Unavailable
But looking at the logs of my application, I can see the notify_url
was called.
I used web accept
as transaction type.
This just looks like your Backend-Script (may it be PHP or anything else) is currently not available. It can happen due to a server overload.
The 503 is a HTTP-ErrorCode so it has nothing to do with PayPal. PayPal tries to send the IPN to you and your web-server responds with a 503 error.