I need to extract several pieces of information from a line of text that contains a certain key value. It seems like this would be a fairly common scenario, but I haven't been able to find much info that helps. Currently I am using select-string to find all lines that contain either "242200" or "242201". Once these lines are identified I am trying to extract parts of the line and put them into a datatable. I then need to sum two columns of the DT and export the result as CSV. This is what I have so far:
# Create a datatable to store the values in
$dataTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$dataTable.Columns.Add("Line Number") | Out-Null
$dataTable.Columns.Add("Transaction Date") | Out-Null
$dataTable.Columns.Add("ID") | Out-Null
$dataTable.Columns.Add("Premium Tax State") | Out-Null
$dataTable.Columns.Add("Amt1", [double]) | Out-Null
$dataTable.Columns.Add("Amt2", [double]) | Out-Null
ForEach($match in Select-String -path $SourceFile -pattern "242200", "242201") {
# Convert the match OBJECT to a string
$string = $match.Line
$row = $datatable.NewRow()
$row["Line Number"] = $match.LineNumber
$row["Transaction Date"] = $string.substring(3,8)
$row["ID"] = "MA4650654" #Need to find this in the string
$row["Premium Tax State"] = $string.substring(32,34)
# Determine the type and amount
if ($string -match "242200") {
$row["Amt1"] = 0 # Need to extract these amounts and sum them
$row["Amt2"] = 0
else {
$row["Amt1"] = 0
$row["Amt2"] = 0
Is there a better way to do this maybe through match groups or something?
EDIT: Sample Input
T0120131107004311 116212OK 0000000300000CYCLE 11/07/2013 JERAIEROKCAR0025593WTM
T0120131107004311 242200MO 0000000022782CYCLE 11/07/2013 MSDQONEAZCAR0012366RMM
T0120131107004311 242200NC 0000000040541CYCLE 11/07/2013 MSDQONENCCAR0033278WTM
T0120131107004311 242201FL 0000000084831CYCLE 11/07/2013 VIIEAMAFLCAR0025589RMM
Try something like this (Updated to work on V2):
Substitute your file for the string I'm using.