I'm using Imgur's API to upload an image file anonimouslly.
The problem is with the function below, I'm trying to retrieve and parse the response code on the Select Case
, but if something goes wrong (any non-200 status-code) then the instruction Dim response As Byte() = wc.UploadValues(...)
throws an exception so all the select case is missed, or in other words, I cannot get the status code when the uploading fails because the UploadValues
method throws an exception.
How I could fix this issue?
This is the code that I'm using:
Public Function UploadImage(ByVal img As String) As ImgurImage
' Create a WebClient.
Using wc As New WebClient()
' Read the image.
Dim values As New NameValueCollection() From
{"image", Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(img))}
' Set the Headers.
Dim headers As New NameValueCollection() From
{"Authorization", String.Format("Client-ID {0}", Me.ClientId)}
' Add the headers.
' Upload the image, and get the response.
Dim response As Byte() = wc.UploadValues("https://api.imgur.com/3/upload.xml", values)
' Read the response (Converting Byte-Array to Stream).
Using sr As New StreamReader(New MemoryStream(response))
Dim serverResponse As String = sr.ReadToEnd
Dim xdoc As New XDocument(XDocument.Parse(serverResponse))
Dim status As ImgurStatus = Nothing
status = Me.GetResultFromStatus(Convert.ToInt32(xdoc.Root.LastAttribute.Value.ToString))
Select Case status
Case ImgurStatus.Success
Return New ImgurImage(New Uri(xdoc.Descendants("link").Value))
Case ImgurStatus.AccessForbidden
RaiseEvent OnAccessForbidden(Me, ImgurStatus.AccessForbidden)
Case ImgurStatus.AuthorizationFailed
RaiseEvent OnAuthorizationFailed(Me, ImgurStatus.AuthorizationFailed)
Case ImgurStatus.BadImageFormat
RaiseEvent OnBadImageFormat(Me, ImgurStatus.BadImageFormat)
Case ImgurStatus.InternalServerError
RaiseEvent OnInternalServerError(Me, ImgurStatus.InternalServerError)
Case ImgurStatus.PageIsNotFound
RaiseEvent OnPageIsNotFound(Me, ImgurStatus.PageIsNotFound)
Case ImgurStatus.UploadRateLimitError
RaiseEvent OnUploadRateLimitError(Me, ImgurStatus.UploadRateLimitError)
Case ImgurStatus.UnknownError
RaiseEvent OnUnknownError(Me, ImgurStatus.UnknownError)
End Select
End Using '/ sr As New StreamReader
End Using '/ wc As New WebClient()
Catch ex As Exception
RaiseEvent OnUnknownError(Me, ImgurStatus.UnknownError)
End Try
Return Nothing
End Function
Start by trapping for a webexception, then examine the result to see what the real problem is.