I have a combobox on a form where I need to reset its store along with the 'displayField' and 'valueField' configs.
Resetting the store via cmb.bindStore(newStore)
works great.
Setting cmb.displayField = 'newfieldname';
also works great.
However, cmb.valueField = 'newValField';
does not work. The combo displays the right stuff, but when i select an item, the value is using the old valueField value, not the new one.
I've tried:
- doing a
afterwards Ext.apply(...)
Is it because valueField
is somehow special because it is a required field? Is there some special way to set a config value on an Ext-JS component I don't know about or is it just not possible to change the value of 'valueField'?
FYI - Here is my code:
comp.bindStore(Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
fields : [ {
name : 'abbr',
type : 'string'
}, {
name : 'name',
type : 'string'
}, {
name : 'slogan',
type : 'string'
} ],
data : [ {
"abbr" : "AL",
"name" : "Alabama",
"slogan" : "The Heart of Dixie"
}, {
"abbr" : "AK",
"name" : "Alaska",
"slogan" : "The Land of the Midnight Sun"
}, {
"abbr" : "AZ",
"name" : "Arizona",
"slogan" : "The Grand Canyon State"
}, {
"abbr" : "AR",
"name" : "Arkansas",
"slogan" : "The Natural State"
}, ]
comp.displayField = 'abbr'; // THIS WORKS
comp.valueField = 'abbr'; // THIS DOESNT WORK
You are nearly there but you where looking at the wrong property cause
is not your issue, it isdisplayField
. Your exact problem are preconfigured and cached properties. The first is the display template the second is the picker instance. You need to override the template and remove the picker instance. Here's a working snipped (JSFiddle)In the example I added a second trigger with a cross. Hit it and the ComboBox get the new values. I recommend you to create your own component for this by extending from ComboBox and wrap all into a reconfigure method that would expect tree parameters.
I am not sure it is possible to reconfigure the combo box this way, but perhaps you can create another combobox with a different store and valueField. Hide/destroy one or the other based on your logic.