I'm using a method illustrated here:
I am using a correct API Key and ListID - However, when running the script I am getting the following response:
"You must specify a email_address value for the listSubscribe method -90"
I've searched and mailed their support but had no reply back as yet. Has anyone had a similar issue - any thoughts on it there's a parameter missing?
Heres the code from the Mailchimp example:
Dim email
Dim apikey
Dim listId
Dim resp
email = Trim(Request.Form("Email"))
list_id = "xxxxxx"
apikey = "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
Dim xmlhttp
Set xmlhttp = Server.Createobject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.Open "GET","http://<my-dc>.api.mailchimp.com/1.3/?method=listSubscribe&output=xml&apikey=" & apikey & "&id=" & list_id & "&email=" & Server.URLEncode(email) & "&merge_vars=",false
resp = xmlhttp.responsetext
Set xmlhttp = Nothing
instead ofemail