I am trying to using jQuery dialog to make a user sign in. I am using ajax and devise. After users sign in, the dialog windows should close. I put dialog("close") inside bind("ajax:success"), but it doesn't work and I get error:
"cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempt to call method 'close'"
$(" #sign_in").click(function(){
$('<div id="box" >').dialog({
open: function(){
var that=this;
$("div#utility").html('welcome'+data.user+' |<a href="/users/sign_out" data-method="delete" rel="nofollow">sign out</a> ') ;
title: 'Sign in '
Can anyone help me figure out what the problem is?
here is a question that has answers that might help with your problem.
jQuery: Load Modal Dialog Contents via Ajax
you can also change your selector for the dialog to
$('#box').dialog({ ...
and in your ajax success callback (after you make changes) you can do
EDIT: this work?