I'm starting DSP on Python and I'm having some difficulties: I'm trying to define a sine wave with frequency 1000Hz
I try to do the FFT and find its frequency with the following piece of code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sampling_rate = int(10e3)
n = int(10e3)
sine_wave = [100*np.sin(2 * np.pi * 1000 * x/sampling_rate) for x in range(0, n)]
s = np.array(sine_wave)
s_fft = np.fft.fft(s)
frequencies = np.abs(s_fft)
So first plot makes sense to me. Second plot (FFT) shows two frequencies: i) 1000Hz, which is the one I set at the beggining ii) 9000Hz, unexpectedly freqeuncy domain
Your data do not respect Shannon criterion. you do not set a correct frequencies axis.
It's easier also to use rfft rather than fft when the signal is real.
Your code can be adapted like :
Output :
There is no information loss, even if a human eye can be troubled by the temporal representation.