This is a hyphenation lib by Synopse delphi open source.
The demo is a console application. I do not know how to use it in GUI application.
Below is my test, but not work. It does not display word with hyphen (or separaror). The lib can be downloaded here:
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, hyphen, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure testhyphenator;
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
{ TForm1 }
procedure TForm1.testhyphenator;
h: THyphen;
s: string;
F, L: Integer;
s := 'hyph_en_US.txt'; //this is from the folder, is that correct to call?
if FileExists(s) then
F := FileOpen(s, fmOpenRead);
L := FileSeek(F, 0, soFromEnd);
if L > 0 then
SetLength(s, L);
FileSeek(F, 0, soFromBeginning);
FileRead(F, s[1], L);
h := THyphen.Create(s);
h.Execute('pronunciation'); //is this correct?
ShowMessage(h.filllist); //not display hyphenated word
It does not display hyphenated word. In the demo, I am also confused about the constructor:
H := THyphen.create('ISO8859-1'#10'f1f'#10'if3fa/ff=f,2,2'#10'tenerif5fa');
writeln('"',H.Execute('SchiffahrT'),'"'); writeln(H.FillList);
The author has also enclosed the obj file. If I want to compile it into a single exe, how to do it?
Can you please help me understand how to use it correctly?
Thanks a lot.
Disclaimer: I have harnessed a not so recent distribution of Hyphen, it may not be in sync with the latest version.
Here are my points:
Compilation of the distribution
hyphen.rc File
hyphen Text HYPH_EN_US.dic
file in the distribution wether it containshyph_en_EN.dic
.*.dic Files available in my distribution
Answers to the comments in your snippet
No! The correct file extension is
. You should write instead:The following is Ok (you can refer to the definition of THyphen class):
The following is Ok (but it doesn't work because
as aTHyphen
instance was not properly initialized):Your concern about the constructor
It's just one of the proper way to set up
(refer again to the definition ofTHyphen
class among others).E.g.:
Harnessing hyphen in a GUI App using Delphi 2007
instance is properly constructed (Dont forget to include thehyphen.res
resource file with{$R hyphen.res}
, thehyphen.obj
file is already linked in thehyphen.pas
unit).Last but not the least
I don't have my Delphi install handy, so understand you may need to tweak this a bit.
After looking at the hyphen code, I believe you are using it incorrectly. The parameter on the constructor is the language or character set.
or (based on your file name, I think you need this next one)
Then "Execute" is used to generate a hyphenated version of the string passed in. "Execute" is a function that returns a new string. You are calling it, but not doing anything with the result.
"NewStr" should now equal "cor-rect".
If I read the code correctly, the "FillList" function and procedure return a list of all of the possible hyphenation possibilities for the last word that was Execute'd.