I implement Oauth2 in django and my refresh token is under o/token/ url, I want to define another url like this:
path('api/v1/login',Login.as_view()), and inside my login view I want to have something like this:
class login(APIView):
def post(self,request):
client_id = "123"
client_Secret = "123"
username = request.query_params.get('username')
*problem is here*
I want to define those parameters inside login class and then pass it to o/token/ url and get the token as a result. In fact, when the user enters www.example.com/api/v1/login address, it enters just username and password and previously inside my code I said to OAuth what my client info is and then the token will generate.
I think what you want to do is to define a login route for your users, It's true that if we pass client_id and client_secret in front end there will be a lot of security problem, thus we hide it inside our code. What you should do is that to define a new route for your login, then in view define a post method that needs user/pass from the user and send this data with some data you enter in your code to a request command (check here:enter link description here) notice that in order to have a JSON response in the output you need to return Response (r.json()) thus: url.py
}) return Response(r.json()) #response in json format