I am trying to run an ajax request in CakePHP 2.3. I am working off of this post: simple ajax example with cakephp 2.3.0
I cant get it to work, here is my code:
var firstName = $("#node-form-first-name").val();
var lastName = $("#node-form-last-name").val();
var dob = $("#node-form-dob").val();
type: 'GET',
datatype: 'json',
data: {firstName: firstName, lastname: lastName, dob:dob},
success: function(data){
I started with a simple test, to see if the sucess function is reached, but I get no alert. What is wrong with my code? The url is correct. The url /persons works, and when I type in /persons/create I get a CakePHP screen saying that I have no view (but I don't want one, I am doing ajax. I list my controller (PersonsController.php) below
class PersonsController extends AppController
public $helpers = array('html', 'form');
public function index()
public function create()
I left the functions blank for now, just so I can get the basic functionality working.
this is how i have done this.hope it helps
First: why "get"?? Seems uber insecure for a create function. Do the ajax call by POST instead.
You said you don't want a view, but your code nowhere specifies that. For ajax, and to avoid rendering the view and the layout, do this
Also, if you do that, you won't get anything in return, so in the action, you need to echo the values so ajax can recieve it.
And a tip, you can separate the functions you want to excecute with ajax and the normal way with a simple check
You need to pass the "event" to the function: