I'm currently using MD5 hashes but I would like to find something that will create a shorter hash that uses just [a-z][A-Z][0-9]. It only needs to be around 5-10 characters long.
Is there something out there that already does this?
I like the CRC32 hash. Is there a clean way of calculating it in .NET?
I'm using the CRC32 function from the link Joe provided. How can I convert the uInt into the characters defined above?
You can use CRC32, it is 8 bytes long and similar to MD5. Unique values will be supported by adding timestamp to actual value.
So its will look like http://foo.bar/abcdefg12.
I dont think URL shortening services use hashes, I think they just have a running alphanumerical string that is increased with every new URL and stored in a database. If you really need to use a hash function have a look at this link: some hash functions Also, a bit offtopic but depending on what you are working on this might be interesting: Coding Horror article
Is your goal to create a URL shortener or to create a hash function?
If your goal is to create a URL shortener, then you don't need a hash function. In that case, you just want to pre generate a sequence of cryptographically secure random numbers, and then assign each url to be encoded a unique number from the sequence.
You can do this using code like:
Using the cryptographic number generator will make it very difficult for people to predict the strings you generate, which I assume is important to you.
You can then convert the 8 byte random number into a string using the chars in your alphabet. This is basically a change of base calculation (from base 256 to base 62).
If you're looking for a library that generates tiny unique hashes from inters, I can highly recommend http://hashids.org/net/. I use it in many projects and it works fantastically. You can also specify your own character set for custom hashes.
There's a wonderful but ancient program called
which converts binary to ASCII using upper- and lower-case letters, digits, and two additional characters. There's also the MIME base64 encoding; most Linux systems probably have a program calledbase64
. Either one would give you a short, readable string from a 32-bit CRC.If you don't care about cryptographic strength, any of the CRC functions will do.
Wikipedia lists a bunch of different hash functions, including length of output. Converting their output to [a-z][A-Z][0-9] is trivial.