I have seen several ways to "make sure that my app is shown again after a phone call which my app has initiated has ended" however that isn't what I want -> what I am looking for is a way to, say my app is currently running in the background doing network communications and someone calls me, I would like my app to either be able to "detect when the phone call has ended and resume my network communications" and/or "launch/resume my app back into the foreground when the phone call has ended". Is there any way to accomplish something like this and how?
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This is unsupported within iOS.
From the docs: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/iphone/conceptual/iphoneosprogrammingguide/BackgroundExecution/BackgroundExecution.html
The best you can do is detect phone calls while your app is open.
is called when the app is about move from active to inactive state. So if you get a call, this method is called before your app is backgrounded.applicationDidBecomeActive
is called when you app becomes active again.