I'm already using the following code to copy a file to Livelink:
Public Function saveFileLL(target As Long, pathSource As String, fileName As String) As Boolean
Dim dav As New ADODB.Record
Dim files As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim objStream As New ADODB.Stream
Dim url As String
If Not Val(Nz(target, 0)) > 0 Or Not pathSource Like "*.*" Or Not fileName Like "*.*" Then
saveFileLL = False
Exit Function
End If
url = URL_LIVELINK_DAV & target
dav.Open url, , adModeReadWrite
Set files = dav.GetChildren
If Not (files.BOF And files.EOF) Then files.MoveFirst
Do Until files.EOF
If fileName Like Replace(files("RESOURCE_DISPLAYNAME"), "_", "?") Then Exit Do
If files.EOF Then
files.addnew "RESOURCE_PARSENAME", fileName
End If
objStream.Open "URL=" & url & "/" & fileName, adModeWrite
objStream.Type = adTypeBinary
objStream.LoadFromFile pathSource
Set dav = Nothing
Set files = Nothing
Set objStream = Nothing
saveFileLL = True
End Function
Now, as the title says, I would like to do the same but with a folder. I guess my question isn't really related to Livelink but more to the way to handle folders in general. Is it possible to move a folder with all his children without looping through all the subfolders/files? How could I adapt my saveFileLL()
function to do so?
Here is another portion of code that allows me to directly create one folder into the Livelink folder designed by objId.
Public Function CreateFolderToLLFolder(ObjId As String, folderName As String, Optional getId As Boolean = False) As String
Dim davfile As New ADODB.Record
Dim davFiles As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim davDir As New ADODB.Record
Dim newDirFields(1) As Variant
Dim newDirValues(1) As Variant
newDirFields(0) = "RESOURCE_PARSENAME"
newDirValues(0) = folderName
newDirValues(1) = True
Set davDir = connection(ObjId, "")
Set davFiles = davDir.GetChildren()
If (davFiles.Supports(adAddNew)) Then
davFiles.addnew newDirFields, newDirValues
End If
davfile.Open davFiles, , adModeReadWrite
CreateFolderToLLFolder = davfile.fields("urn:x-opentext-com:ll:properties:nodeid").value
End Function
Public Function connection(ObjId As String, Optional filename As String = "") As ADODB.Record
Dim davDir As New ADODB.Record
davDir.Open filename, "URL=http://livelink-server/livelinkdav/nodes/" & ObjId & "/", adModeReadWrite, adFailIfNotExists, DelayFetchStream, "", ""
Set connection = davDir
End Function
Don't ask me why this works, I found this and it does work. objId for those wondering is the unique ID that Livelink gives to all his files/folders.
Thank you.
The easiest way to perform what I want is finally to use the web service integrated into Livelink. Because there is really not much information on the Web about the whole Livelink API (that's surprising considering all we can find on Google these days), I'm willing to post here my solution. That's in fact really easy.
All I had to do is to install some add-on to Firefox (I used Fox but others would do the job too) to see the HTTP headers/packets when doing some work in Livelink. Most of the times, operations are done with the POST method. I realized with the Fox plugin that 3 POST are sent, the 2 first returned a 401 error while the 3rd returns the right 200 response and got the action done.
Then, I can deduce that Livelink is a SOAP-service based on a NTLM authentification. It looks like it has been developped in ASP.net.
To use the webservice within VBA, nothing more easy. You will need the Microsoft XML v6.0 livrary for the MSXML2 object, and there you go:
As simple as that, just find the right POST data with some kind of browser's plugin and you got it. Most of the post-data isn't encoded and easy to deal with.
You could save a whole set of folder and it's constituent files/subfolders as one block by zipping them and then upload the zip file. Like this http://www.rondebruin.nl/windowsxpzip.htm
If you want to reflect the structure in LiveLink then you'd have to explore the folder tree to replicate content - but there's plenty of vba code around to loop through files & folder trees and it can all call into your saveFileLL function if you have to go that route.