I'm trying to load a json into my view. Im using phonegap with sencha touch and when I load the app to my phone the json does not load at all.. It works fine in the browser and in the simulator. I would really appreciate some help from the experts
Here is the main code that im trying:
the store:
App.stores.freebees = new Ext.data.Store({ model: 'Freebee', autoLoad: true, proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: 'fixtures/freebees', reader: { type: 'json' } } });
the list view:
App.views.FreebeesList = Ext.extend(Ext.List, { id: 'indexlist', layout: 'fit', store: App.stores.freebees, itemTpl: '{companyName}, {title}, {address}',
listeners: {
'itemtap': function(list, index, item, obj) {
controller: 'Freebee',
action: 'showDetails',
id: list.getRecord(item).data.id,
lat: list.getRecord(item).data.lat,
longitude: list.getRecord(item).data.longitude,
companyName: list.getRecord(item).data.companyName,
address: list.getRecord(item).data.address,
initComponent: function() {
App.views.FreebeesList.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
}); Ext.reg('App.views.FreebeesList', App.views.FreebeesList);
the json:
[ { "id": 1, "title": "Freebee 1", "companyName": "Företaget AB 1", "address": "Ekuddsvägen 1 Nacka 131 38 Sweden", "lat": 59.3058, "longitude": 18.1463 }, { "id": 2, "title": "Freebee 2", "companyName": "Företaget AB 2", "address": "Ekuddsvägen 2 Nacka 131 38 Sweden", "lat": 59.305, "longitude": 18.1478 } ]
From my limited experiece with ST so far, you cant load a file which is on the device like that. You may have to load the json file using a script tag and pass it in as data.
then load it into your store like so:
(added root:data)
I had a similar error.. Please see my question and answer here:
Sencha parses JSON in iphone simulator, but not on iPhone - phonegap