I have a function which performs a foreach loop on an array from a database.
see foreach ($teamarray AS $key => $value){$teamgo .= $value[1]." ".$value[2]."<br/>";
Problem is, sometimes there may be no data set, which throws an error when the loop hits that field.
How can i catch/suppress this error?
function GetUnsubmitted($coach){
$push .= "<div id=unsubmitted><h2>Check which event/teams you want to process and click submit</h2>";
$push .= "<form action=\"submit.php\" method=POST>";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ptable` WHERE coach = '$_SESSION[username]' AND status = '1' ORDER BY status ASC") or trigger_error(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
foreach($row AS $key => $value) { $row[$key] = stripslashes($value); }
$id = $row['id'];
$teampre = $row['team'];
$eventpre = $row['event'];
$statuspre = $row['status'];
$eventarray = DecodeEvent($eventpre);
$event = $eventarray[0];
$cat = $eventarray[1];
$subcat = $eventarray[2];
$division = $eventarray[3];
$type = $eventarray[4];
$teamarray = DecodeTeam($teampre);
$price = GetPrice($type, "nat");
$teamcount = count($teamarray);
$total = $price * $teamcount;
$teamgo = "";
foreach ($teamarray AS $key => $value){
$teamgo .= $value[1]." ".$value[2]."<br/>";
if($statuspre == "1"){
$statuscolor = "#FFCC99";
$statusmsg = "unsubmitted <a href=delsub.php?id=$id onClick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this submission?');\"><img src=images/del.png border=0 />";
} elseif($statuspre == "2"){
$statuscolor = "#FFCC66";
$statusmsg = "awaiting confirmation";
} elseif($statuspre == "3"){
$statuscolor = "#66CC66";
$statusmsg = "confirmed";
$push .= "<div id=submission><div id=event style=\"background-color:$statuscolor;\"><h1>$event</h1><span id=status>$statusmsg</span></div><div id=subinfo><a href=\"#\" onClick=\"if($(this).next('div').css('display') == 'none') { $(this).next('div').show('fast'); } else { $(this).next('div').hide('fast'); } return false;\"><span id=dropdown><img src=images/expand.png border=0></span><h2>$cat >> $subcat >> $division >> $type</h2></a> <div id=team style=\"display:none;\">$teamgo<br />$price - $total<div id=controls></div></div></div></div>";
$pid .= $id;
$rtotal .= "$total,";
$stotal = explode(",", $rtotal);
$gtotal = array_sum($stotal);
$push .= "<div style=\"text-align:right;\"><div id=total>Total - <em>$gtotal</em></div><br><input type=image src=images/paynow.png alt=\"Pay Now\"></form> <a href=submit2.php?$pid&$pidarray><img src=images/mailfax.png width=138px height=41px border=0></a></div></div>";
return $push;
If possible id like it to say "no team selected" and stop.
Your exit from loop will be a "return", or a "break n" (n is the levels to break for) or continue... it depends on your logic.
<insert puzzled smiley here>
Is this it?
You can write so:
foreach expects array. So the really correct way is to ensure that you deal with array before try to iterate, like this:
You also can check
since PHP 7.1.Just do a test if
actually is an array:Or you could do:
Just prior to the loop in a nice tidy line, and it would ensure that you have the variable set to an empty array which would cause it to skip the