I have a Java OpenGL (JOGL) app, and I'm trying to create a texture mapped quad that covers the entire screen. In draw some pixels to a buffer and then I want to read those pixels into a texture and redraw them on screen (with a fragment shader applied). My code for mapping the texture to the viewport is:
gl.glOrtho( 0, width, height, 0, -1, 1 );
IntBuffer ib = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
gl.glGenTextures(1, ib);
gl.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
//buff contains pixels read from glReadPixels
gl.glTexImage2D(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL.GL_RGBA, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buff);
gl.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, ib.get(0));
gl.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
The end result is a quad that is not covering the whole viewport (it's partially on) and that does not contain the pixels from the buffer. What am I doing incorrectly here?
thanks, Jeff
It may not be the problem, but it won't be helping: You are popping the modelview matrix twice for a single push. You are not popping the projection matrix at all.
I would recommend setting the projection matrix once at startup, without doing any pushes or pops. You don't really need to push and pop the modelview matrix either. (You could do your texture setup once at startup, too.)
I would start with checking glError with code like the below. Note I used the GL2 object because there were some issues with older versions of JOGL and the GL object, silly things like GL_QUADS not being there.
If you have a shader enabled with the above code, you need to do the texturing by reading the sampler. If so, please attach the shader code you are using with this rendering code.
I would also try to avoid generating the texture every frame if it is something that doesn't change. You can save the textureId and bind it later.
First, you should only create the texture in your initialization code. You should not be calling glTexImage2D every frame. Only call glTexImage2D again if the size of the texture changes; glTexSubImage2D can be used to upload data to the texture. Think of glTexImage2D as "new", while glTexSubImage2D as a memory copy.
Do this once, after initializing OpenGL.
Then, each frame, do this:
By using identity for projection and modelview, we are able to supply vertex coordinates directly in clip-space. The [-1, 1] range in clip-space maps to [0, width/height] in window space. So we don't have to know or care about how big the window is; as long as the glViewport was set up correctly, this should work.