I am on Rails 4.2 I have written a custom Validator which will check if a value being entered exists in another table. I have been reviewing some other posts and it seems there is either a context specific or rails version preferred way to reuse the value
being validated. In the rails docs i see examples such as:
validates :subdomain, exclusion: { in: %w(www us ca jp),
message: "%{value} is reserved." }
however, if I try to use %{value}
in my custom message override it does not interpolate, but just prints "%{value}". I have seen various ways of calling "value". I also could not get %{value} to work in my Validator definition, but could get #{value} to work (New to ruby, if
#{value} getting it from validate_each
I have also been struggling with various formats of the validation statement and putting in the custom message. Some things which look repeatable from the docs are not. If the way I am declaring my custom message is causing the error, please let me know how to correct?
class ExistingGroupValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
unless Group.where(:code => value).any?
record.errors[attribute] << (options[:message] || "#{value} is not a valid
group code")
class Example < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :group_code, presence: true
validates :group_code, :existing_group => {:message => "The code you have enterd ( **what goes here?** ) is not a valid code, please check with your teacher or group
leader for the correct code." }
Rails automatically puts the value at the beginning of the phrase, so you can just do this:
Separately, note that it is always
to interpolate not%
.Rails is using Internationalization style string interpolation to add the value to the message. You can use the I18n.interpolate method to accomplish this. Something like this should do the trick: