I'm trying to find out a way to align 2 images. The first image the border image (like a polaroid) and the second a picture. The picture should start in the corner of the border (around 20dp from left and top of the real border image) but that distance varies on what screen you have...
android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
android:src="@drawable/border" />
This is what I get now:
The hardest thing is that the image shouldn't pop out the border image and the background behind the whole view (border + image) is variable!
I had to deal with a similar issue, back_img, img, text. I could deal with it in a really crappy way through styles (for every different screen size), but is the only thing i found that worked...
I set a LinearLayout and put the 3 imgs inside another LinearLayout
In the Styles, something like this:
So, you set Img1 size with a little margin (i found out that sometimes you need that margin in Imgs), and the second one with negative IMG1 width+rightMargin and in case of need, the text.
I think you should make your border image a 9-patch: http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/draw9patch.html
Your best bet is to use the "border" image as the background drawable of the layout and then position your image on that layout:
I haven't tested this just now, but it's approximately what you would do.