Good morning all, I'm just getting familiar with jquery cookie, but I can't seem to find out why the cookie is undefined after setting it.
Basically, I'm trying to store the sort order using sortable in jquery ui in a cookie, but after setting the cookie it's still saying undefined. I'll show the jquery below, and if you guys need to see more (the html and what not, I can update to include that too).
First, just to note, in the update function for sortable, if I put alert(cooked) before I set the cookie,it alerts with item1,item2,item3,item4,item5 as it should, so it's not like something where it's trying to set a cookie with a null value (whether that would cause a problem or not). After setting the cookie, I alert the same cookie I just set and am getting undefined. If anyone has any ideas as to what would be going on, that would be great!
$(document).ready(function() {
var parentHeight = $(".item").parent(".row").height();
items: '> .row > .item',
update: function(event, ui) {
var cooked = [];
$(".productsContainer").each(function(index, domEle) { cooked[index] = $(domEle).sortable('toArray'); });
$.cookie('products', cooked.join('|'));
$(".item").click(function() {
$(".close").click(function() {
var parent = $(this).parent();
var parentId = parent.attr("id");
var $old = $(this).siblings(".item-box").children("img");
var $newImg = $old.clone();
var newOffset = $newImg.offset();
var oldOffset = $old.offset();
var $temp = $newImg.clone();
$temp.css('position', 'absolute').css('left', oldOffset.left).css('top','zIndex', 1000);
$temp.animate( {'top':, 'left':newOffset.left}, 'slow', function(){
function restoreOrder() {
var cookie = $.cookie('products');
if (!cookie) return;
var SavedID = cookie.split('|');
for ( var u=0, ul=SavedID.length; u < ul; u++ ){ alert(SavedID[u]); SavedID[u] = SavedID[u].split(',');}
for (var Scolumn=0, n = SavedID.length; Scolumn < n; Scolumn++) {
for (var Sitem=0, m = SavedID[Scolumn].length; Sitem < m; Sitem++) {
$("#sortable").eq(Scolumn).append($("#sortable").children("#" + SavedID[Scolumn][Sitem]));
Thanks again so much for any help!
If anyone else is having this same problem, it's a problem with google chrome. I tried this in firefox and IE and the cookies worked fine.
It appears that chrome disables cookies on local files like file:///. A couple solutions I saw were the following:
1) use your local IP or localhost (didn't try this).
2) use the command line argument --enable-file-cookies (