I have deployed a web service on OpenShift by annotating a class with @WebService and a public method with @WebMethod. Then, I deployed the class in a WildFly8 container and the server started the service. In order to be able to access the WSDL file I had to create a file "jboss-web.xml" inside the WEB-INF folder and change the context-root.
Now I am able to access the WSDL file, but not the service itself. The problem is in this line of the wsdl file:
<wsdl:service name="PlotterService">
<wsdl:port binding="tns:PlotterServiceSoapBinding" name="PlotterPort">
<soap:address location=""/>
The address location is set to an internal IP and should be replaced with the URL of my application. How can I do that? The only file I am able to modify is the class that I annotated at the beginning.
I managed to solve this:
Openshift does not have Web services setup by default, so we need to modify the server configuration. To do this open .openshift/config/standalone.xml (this file may be hidden) in an editor and make the following additions:
If the webservices subsystem is not configured as below under the element, copy the following and replace the webservices subsystem to enable and configure Web Services: