I am trying to load a excel file, from a local webserver, then refresh the page every 5min or so, just incase that file has been replaced...
It is for displaying a schedule, someone will update it and throughout the plant, the page will be displayed on a monitor and the output will change...
I thought this was going to be super simple, and I would just add a refresh to the header of the .html file and be done, but I think that would only work if I just use the regular return View();... Since I am using Redirect, I am unsure if it is able to add this to the header or not... Any ideas?
Here is the code that I added to my controller:
this.HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("refresh", "5; url=" + Url.Action("time"));
return Redirect("http://dexweb/scheduler/hunting template.htm");
It appears that you are redirecting to some HTML page:
Inside this html you could put a
tag to force it to refresh from the server at regular intervals:Obviously nowadays there are more advanced ways to achieve real time push notifications from the server to the client such as HTML5 WebSockets.