I have an object who has a property 'birthDate' of type Date. On screen, I should display the birthday in format DD/MM/YYYY. Now I use bootstrap bsDatePicker. But in the database, it is stored in the format YYYY-MM-DD(type string). So to submit the modification, I should convert the birthday to this format.
Can you tell me how to serialize the Date(DD/MM/YYYY) to the format YYYY-MM-DD in the JSON request?
Do you have any good idea to optimize the conversion without any change in the database?
Thank you
First you are going to create a function that accepts a string that contains the date. Then convert it. At the end of the function I have some ternary code because if you don't add that part, the date could be 2018-4-2 and you want it 2018-04-02
Thank you for all your anwser, this is what i did:
I map the origin object to the request type with reflxion, for the date:
If its a string, you could just extract the relevant data and returning the correct format, needed to be submit in your json. A possible helper function:
this will return