I want to find something by Xpath in a page (first project by Scrapy), for example the page https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/pull/11272.
In both my Opera inspect and firefox TryXpath add-on, this Xpath expression has the same result:
//div[@class='file js-comment-container js-resolvable-timeline-thread-container has-inline-notes']
and it is like this:
BUT in Scrapy 1.6 Xpath, when I want to get its result, it dose not find any thing and just return an empty list
def parse(self, response):
print(response.xpath('''//div[@class='file js-comment-container js-resolvable-timeline-thread-container has-inline-notes']'''))
and the result is just []
What do you think is the problem? and how can I fix it? thanks in advance.
NOTE: yes I know about robot.text and even ROBOTSTXT_OBEY = False
It would seem that some of those classes are being added by javascript.
However, if you're able to find a suitable selector, you're still able to select the divs you're trying to target, even if the javascript is not executed: