I need to save the whole output of screen
to a file to check later all the content.
The reason is that I'm dumping a flash memory trough serial port, using screen to interface with it.
I would like to save it to a file to check memory structure.
I've tried :
$: screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 >> foo.txt
$: screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 | tee foo.txt
and I've also tried to use bufferfile from screen, but I don't understand how to use it.
Is there an easy way?
The 'script' command under Unix should do the trick. Just run it at the start of your new console and you should be good.
The following command works for screen version 4.06.02
From man page of the screen:
You can check the existing version of screen using screen -version. You can download and install latest screen version from https://www.gnu.org/software/screen/.
Here's a trick: wrap it in
sh -c
redirects stderr to stdout sotee
can catch and log error messages.You can also use Control-a + H to save loggings into screenlog.n file. One more Control-a + H to turn off.
C-a H: Begins/ends logging of the current window to the file "screenlog.n".
Ctrl+A then Shift+H works for me. You can view the file
while the program is still running.There is a command line option for logging. The output is saved to screenlog.n file, where n is a number of the screen. From man pages of screen: