I have the following code that was written by someone else in my web project:
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("");
// Define sql
sql.Append("SELECT title ");
sql.Append("FROM MyTable ");
sql.Append(string.Format("WHERE id = {0} AND Var = '{1}'", myId, myVar));
DataTable dtGroups = SqlHelper.GetDataTable(sql.ToString());
if (dtGroups.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow dr in dtGroups.Rows)
return dr["title"].ToString();
return "";
I then have a helper class called SqlHelper.cs which has this method:
public static DataTable GetDataTable(string sql) {
return GetDataTable(sql, MyConnectionString);
Does the SqlHelper class constitute a DAL? What is the proper way of doing things? Should I create a DAL classes that you will send the sql to and just get the title returned (like SqlHelper.GetTitle(sql))?
That code is just bad. SQL injection; DataTable for no reason; StringBuilder for no reason. Here it is done simply, using "dapper" (freely available on NuGet):
This is: