hello everybody i have a listbox within which is a datatemplate.Inside it is checkbox,textbox,label...Wat i want is to get the value of the label wen the checkbox is unchecked? or any alternative as to how to access the label value but only wen the checkbox is unselected............PLease help me out. the code is as
<StackPanel Name="sp" Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="3,3,3,3" >
<CheckBox Name="chkSubject" IsChecked="{Binding RelativeSource{RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type ListBoxItem}}, Path=IsSelected}" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,0,4,0" Unchecked="chkSubject_Unchecked">
<TextBlock FontSize="11" Text="{Binding subject_name}" />
<Label Name="lbl_idOfSub" Content="{Binding subject_id}" Visibility="Visible">
Since you're using binding on label, I'd go for accessing subject_id from the object the datatemplate is describing. Like this:
That's the correct way to go with MVVM and bindings.
Here's the basic MVVM approach to solving this problem. First of all, I've cleaned up a bit your listbox declaration and added a trigger that sets IsSelected binding:
Here, whenever value IsSelected on individual ListBoxItem changes, the "IsSelected" binding of the viewModel is changed. Here's the model:
Your IsSelected will be set to true whenever relevant item is selected and to false whenever it is unselected. You may put your code in to the "set" item of the "IsSelected" property and check (value == false) and execute necessary piece of code as you see fit. This would be MVVM approach to the matter.
Using the event, you can do as follows:
I strongly recommend you read about MVVM and bindings.
What about using the
events of your CheckBox, so that you can retrieve the value ofsubject_id
which is binded to your Label.