adb devices
was working fine last year, but after upgrades and new software installs,
adb devices
no longer recognizes USB attached Android devices.
Here is what I have tried:
adb kill-server
adb devices
adb usb
error: Device not found
adb devices
was working fine last year, but after upgrades and new software installs,
adb devices
no longer recognizes USB attached Android devices.
Here is what I have tried:
adb kill-server
adb devices
adb usb
error: Device not found
Try restarting the Mac in "Safe Mode". It worked for me (macos X.9.5)
After connecting the device and enabling the USB debugging please go to the path of adb, which is now inside the android-sdk-->platform-tools and type the following command ./adb devices. I think this will list the devices connected.
Change the USB connection type to 'Charge Only'. That was the only change I made it showed up on my device list. Weird.;)
I had this problem today with my HTC mytouch phone and OS 10.6.8. At the same time, the phone reported a damaged SD card. The solution was to remove the Micro SD card and erase/format it using disk utility as FAT 32. The name I gave the SD card volume appeared in the Finder when I tried connecting again (charge only). For some reason, Android reported the card as damaged but could not format it. I used a Micro SD USB adapter. My Macbook didn't see the card until I carefully slid it out and back into the adapter slot. This is a known problem with HTC android phones.
Make sure that USB Debugging is enabled in Settings -> Application -> Developemnt, and also that the selected USB method is PTP and not MTP (not supported in OSX).
If none of the above works for you just as it didn't for me, just try using a different cable. The cable I was using was my friend's cable but it was only meant to charge over USB, not to pass data over USB. I don't know how to tell the difference between micro USB cables that do or don't support data over USB but it's worth a try! Good luck!