I am making a basic search form with symfony 2. I have problem with configuration of routing.yml file.
My routing.yml File
pattern: /{_locale}/search
defaults: { _controller: AdhlFrontBundle:Blog:search }
_locale: en
My form code:
<form method="get" action="{{ path('adhl_front_search') }}/">
<input type="text" value="" name="keyword" />
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
I get and want this url:
Symfony Error:
No route found for "GET /en/search/"
I don't know how to configure my url for search form. In my case it expect ?keyword=computer in routing.yml. If i do it like pattern: /{_locale}/search/{keyword}
then form page gives error at {{ path('adhl_front_search') }}
Secondly, how can i pass the keyword (computer in above case) value to my controller? Please help me to sort out this problem.
the most simple way to do this is
and in your controller expect the $key variable, but this isn't the best way ...
however try to do this
I have this in one of my projects and it works
edit 2: try this in your controller