Is it possible to start an activity on the stack, clearing the entire history before it?
The situation
I have an activity stack that either goes A->B->C or B->C (screen A selects the users token, but many users only have a single token).
In screen C the user may take an action which makes screen B invalid, so the application wants to take them to screen A, regardless of whether it is already in the stack. Screen A should then be the only item on the stack in my application.
There are many other similar questions, but I haven't found anything that answers this exact question. I tried calling getParent().finish()
- this always results in a null pointer exception. FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP
only works if the activity is already on the stack.
Case 1:Only two activity A and B:
Here Activity flow is A->B .On clicking backbutton from B we need to close the application then while starting Activity B from A just call finish() this will prevent android from storing Activity A in to the for activity A is Loding/Splash screen of application.
Case 2:More than two activitiy:
If there is a flow like A->B->C->D->B and on clicking back button in Activity B while coming from Activity D.In that case we should use.
Here Activity B will be started from the backstack rather than a new instance because of Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP and Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK clears the stack and makes it the top one.So when we press back button the whole application will be terminated.
Sometimes your android emulator might fails to connect eclipse DDMS tool and ask for adb to start manually. In that case you can start or stop the adb using the command prompt.
I spent a few hours on this too ... and agree that FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP sounds like what you'd want: clear the entire stack, except for the activity being launched, so the Back button exits the application. Yet as Mike Repass mentioned, FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP only works when the activity you're launching is already in the stack; when the activity's not there, the flag doesn't do anything.
What to do? Put the activity being launching in the stack with FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK, which makes that activity the start of a new task on the history stack. Then add the FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP flag.
Now, when FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP goes to find the new activity in the stack, it'll be there and be pulled up before everything else is cleared.
Here's my logout function; the View parameter is the button to which the function's attached.
With Android's Newer Version >= API 16 use
approach is suitable for >= API 16.
In API level 11 a new Intent Flag was added just for this: Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK
Just to clarify, use this:
Unfortunately for API lvl <= 10, I haven't yet found a clean solution to this. The "DontHackAndroidLikeThis" solution is indeed pure hackery. You should not do that. :)
Edit: As per @Ben Pearson's comment, for API <=10 now one can use IntentCompat class for the same. One can use
flag to clear task. So you can support pre API level 11 as well.Try this: