I have updated my website to the latest JQuery, JQueryUI and KnockOutJS.
Since then my accordion refuses to update when I add items to my observerable array. This works just fine when using KnocKOutJS version 2.0.0 with older versions for JQuery.
I have recreated the problem in JSFiddler and would appreciate any help. The javascript is a heavily simplified version of my actual code.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. My Model looks like this:
function ModelCollection() {
var self = this;
self.ModelItems = ko.observableArray([]);
self.AddNewItem = function(){
var newItem = new ModelItem();
newItem.Name = "Added";
function ModelItem() {
var self = this;
self.Name = "";
<div id="knockOutBinding">
<div data-bind="foreach: ModelItems, jqAccordion: {}">
<h3>An Element Title</h3>
<div>Some Content</div>
<button data-bind="click: AddNewItem">Add New Item</button>
Finally I initially populate it and bind it
var modelCollectionApp = new ModelCollection();
var modelItem = new ModelItem();
modelItem.Name = "test1";
var modelItem = new ModelItem();
modelItem.Name = "test2";
ko.applyBindings(modelCollectionApp, document.getElementById("knockOutBinding"));
So turns out that things have changed quiet drastically with regards to JQueryUI Widgets and Knockout in version 3.
Evan explains here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/knockoutjs/accordion/knockoutjs/OX6Lp_I_LoY/472sLkF5MTcJ
Bottom line is when binding the accordion in my code:
Before, you would pass in your config options like "{collapsible: true}". This worked in older versions but now it has changed. You should pass in the "ViewModel" instead.
The other thing that needed to change was in the update method you have to call ko.unwrap
If you want to customize the accordion, you have to do it in the init section of the binding like this:
Here is the updated JSFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/glenb/M9222/7/
I hope this helps someone out there, upvote if it helped you!