I'm evaluating Kendo with Angular and Bootstrap 3, fairly new in javascript land. Is there a preferred way as to use which components where? I know you can mix and match, but that seems messy. Does anyone have any basic guidelines or pointers?
- angularJS: ui-router equivalent to $location.searc
- Separate AngularJS Controllers Into Separate Files
- Angular ngAnimate not working first time on page l
- Ionic Spinner not showing up
- Upload file to Google Cloud Storage using AngularJ
- Twitter Bootstrap Prints In XS
- Passing variable through URL with angular js
- Watch entire object (deep watch) with AngularJS
- Angular ng-if change span text
- Can ng-show directive be used with a delay
- AngularJS $routeParams vs $stateParams
- Multiple parameters in AngularJS $resource GET
- How to set class/style of accordion heading in Ang
There are different integration demos on the Kendo Labs site which should bring you the idea when it comes to integration with third party libraries. Here is link to the Angular demo on GitHub.