The SELECT @@IDENTITY statement in Access VBA, would allow one to view/obtain the AutoNumber that has been generated in a table, for which a record has just been inserted, on the database. This is somewhat easy to track and maintain, if there is just one user and only one INSERT takes place at any moment of time.
My application is multi user, so far only one person used to do data entry. Now we have two people and when one user (Mr Brown) inserts a record (Auto ID : 1234
) and within a second (we are dealing with milliseconds) another (Mr Green) INSERTS a record (Auto ID : 1235
), the @@IDENTITY seems to return the latest ID 1235
for Mr. Brown and not 1234 which he inserted. As the same Mr. Green gets the same 1235, which is correct.
My Question is, is there a way to make sure that @@IDENTITY return the AutoID of that particular INSERT for that user that performed the INSERT. This is my code, if that helps.
tranDB As DAO.Database
Set tranDB = CurrentDb
tranSQL = "INSERT INTO Transactions (Password....." 'My Insert goes here
tranDB.Execute tranSQL
Dim idRS As DAO.Recordset
Set idRS = tranDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT @@IDENTITY AS LastID;")
TranID = idRS!LastID
Set idRS = Nothing
EDIT: Not a Duplicate of MS Access TableAdapter Get Identity after insert. As the other thread involves with SQL Server, mine is JET Engine and Not .NET, I am using this code in VBA.
Paul have your tried to encapsulate it within a transaction? try this
I have used this technique for forever and it works for me (I would have lost my job many times over if it didn't work!!).
1) You have tagged this as an Access 10 question. So, are you using this reference in your project?:
Older DAO references might be problematic. This feature is not supported before DAO 4.0.
2) Regarding krish's suggestion: transactions, while a good idea, are not required for this feature to work. The last Identity value is locally stored by the current connection. You just have have to call it before the user does another insert.
3) But, it is a good idea to use the same database reference to do both the Insert and retrieve the Identity. In your example, your use of tranDB should be correct -- but if you are re-assigning it to CurrentDB before calling Identity, this could be the problem.
4) Are you using Timestamps to be sure that Brown is inserting before Green?
5) As a last resort, you can try an all-DAO alternative:
See if this yields different results.