Jersey 2.x Custom Injection annotation NULL

2019-08-29 03:11发布

I'm following the 22.1. Implementing Custom Injection Provider paragraph

I defined my classes as below:

public class PrincipalConfig extends ResourceConfig {   

  public PrincipalConfig() {    
        register(new MyBinder());

Where MyBinder is :

Public class MyBinder extends AbstractBinder implements Factory<KasPrincipal> {

protected void configure() {

         .to(new TypeLiteral<InjectionResolver<KasPersistenceDaoAnnot>>(){})


    public MyInjectable provide() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return new MyInjectable();

    public void dispose(MyInjectable instance) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


and this is my simple annotation:

public @interface MyAnnot {


i wanto to use the annotation in my res service:

public class ModelRetrieverORA {

   SecurityContext securityContext;

    private UriInfo uriInfo;

    private Myinjectable Principal;

in my web.xml i deployed Jersey servlet container (am i wrong) and by this configuration code:



Going into debug mode i see that when invoking my rest service the provide method is never called... indeed is always null.

Where am i wrong? I m working on a jboss Wildfly 9.0 and using Jersey 2.21 library

2楼-- · 2019-08-29 03:38

i found a solution:

1) In web.xml add:


this way i can exclude resteasy from scanning my war.

Then use these deployment instructions:

    <servlet-name>Jersey REST Service</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Jersey REST Service</servlet-name>

This is because the previous deployment method was for Servlet specs 3.0.

The injection now works.

3楼-- · 2019-08-29 03:52

It may because of conflicts in rest web-service implementation. you are using jersey implementation of rest-ws but wildfly comes with resteasy (rest-ws implementation). i suggest you to go with resteasy if you are using wildfly with minimal changes in your web.xml. Be sure to remove/comment your jersey specific configurations.

 <!-- Set this if you want Resteasy to scan for JAX-RS classes.-->

<!-- this need same with resteasy servlet url-pattern -->

<!--The ResteasyBootstrap listener is responsible for initializing 
some basic components of RESTeasy as well as scanning for annotation 
classes you have in your WAR file.-->



You also need to remove jersey related jars from your WEB-INF/libs directory.

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