How can I implement dijkstra's algorithm to op

2019-08-29 01:43发布

I am attempting to automate the schedule for a blending facility. I am trying to implement Dijkstra's algorithm in a way that will allow me to select the type of blends from a drop down list, and input the quantity of blends needed. This will generate a list of nodes with a predetermined cost depending on the previous blend (Blender requires a full-day wash when switching from blend 1 to blend 2, but not when going from blend 1 to blend 1 etc). The starting and ending nodes don't matter, only that all of the blends including the repeats are included once. The end product will be a list of blends/washes laid out over a series of 5 day work-weeks. I found an implementation of the algorithm online somewhere, but I cant seem to relate the cost graph (excel matrix) to the queue array. I have very limited experience so this feels a bit over my head. Any pointers are welcomed. I have tried to understand this implementation of the algorithm, but I don't understand it well enough to know where to go from here. Please let me know if this is even the right way to approach this problem.

I currently have: A 6x6 matrix of made up costs from a-a, a-b etc; that is pulled into an edge matrix. A variable equal to the total number of nodes needed to cover all of the different blends. An array that is fills a queue of all the nodes needed, including repeats using the name of the blend and the quantity needed. A variable equal to the number of different blends. This is where my understanding falls apart. I have attempted to relate the name of last/current blend with the cost associated with doing any of the other blends, but have no idea if I am doing this correctly because I do not understand how this algorithm functions, despite watching tutorial after tutorial. Because of this, I find myself completely stuck.

    'Dijkstra globals
Option Explicit
Public n, i, j, nn, y, v, u, b, dist, alt, x, z, d, nnn As Single
Const MaxGraph As Integer = 100 'max. number of nodes in graph
Const Infinity = 1E+308
Dim E(1 To MaxGraph, 1 To MaxGraph) As Double  'the edge costs (Infinity if no edge)
Dim A(1 To MaxGraph) As Double                 'the distances calculated
Dim P(1 To MaxGraph) As Integer                'the previous/path array
Dim Q(1 To MaxGraph) As Boolean                'the queue

Public Sub Dijkstra(n, start)

  'simple implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm
  'n = number of nodes in graph
  'start = index of start node
  'init distances A

    For j = 1 To n
      A(j) = Infinity
    Next j
    A(start) = 0
  'init P (path) to "no paths" and Q = set of all nodes
  For j = 1 To n
    Q(j) = True
    P(j) = 0
  Next j

  Do While True 'loop will exit! (see below)
  'find node u in Q with smallest distance to start
    dist = Infinity
    For i = 1 To n
      If Q(i) Then
        If A(i) < dist Then
          dist = A(i)
          u = i
        End If
      End If
    Next i
    If dist = Infinity Then Exit Do 'no more nodes available - done!
    'remove u from Q
    Q(u) = False
    'loop over neighbors of u that are in Q
    For j = 1 To n
        For d = 1 To b

            If queue(u) = "A" Then y = 1
            If queue(u) = "B" Then y = 2
            If queue(u) = "C" Then y = 3
            If queue(u) = "D" Then y = 4
            If queue(u) = "E" Then y = 5
            If queue(u) = "F" Then y = 6
            z = 7
            E(z, y) = Infinity

            If j > 1 And P(j - 1) = "A" Then z = 1
            If j > 1 And P(j - 1) = "B" Then z = 2
            If j > 1 And P(j - 1) = "C" Then z = 3
            If j > 1 And P(j - 1) = "D" Then z = 4
            If j > 1 And P(j - 1) = "E" Then z = 5
            If j > 1 And P(j - 1) = "F" Then z = 6

            If Q(j) And E(z, y) <> Infinity Then
                'check if path to neighbor j via u is shorter than current estimated distance to j
                alt = A(u) + E(z, y)
                If alt < A(j) Then
                    'yes, replace with new distance and remember "previous" hop on the path
                    A(j) = alt
                    P(j) = queue(u)
                End If
            End If
      Next d
    Next j
End Sub

Public Function GetPath(source, target) As String
 'reconstruct shortest path from source to target
 'by working backwards from target using the P(revious) array
 Dim path As String
 If P(target) = 0 Then
   GetPath = "No path"
   path = ""
   u = target
   Do While P(u) > 0
     path = Format$(u) & " " & path
     u = P(u)
   GetPath = Format$(source) & " " & path
 End If
End Function

Public Sub DijkstraTest()
'main function to solve Dijkstra's algorithm and return shortest path between
'a node and every other node in a digraph

' define problem:
' number of nodes

n = Sheets("Main").Range("F33").Value
b = Sheets("Main").Range("F34").Value
Dim quan(1 To 6) As Integer
Dim queue(1 To 18) As String

' reset connection/cost per edge

For i = 1 To b
  For j = 1 To b
    E(i, j) = Sheets("Main").Cells(33 + i, 8 + j).Value
  Next j
  P(i) = 0
  nn = 1
Next i
nn = 1
nnn = 0

For y = 1 To b
    quan(y) = Sheets("Main").Range("C" & 33 + y).Value

    For x = nn To quan(y) + nnn
        If x > n Then GoTo queued
        queue(x) = Sheets("Main").Range("A" & 33 + y).Value
    Next x
    nnn = quan(y) + nn
    nn = quan(y) + nn
Next y

'Solve it for every node

For v = 1 To n
  Dijkstra n, v
  'Print solution
  Debug.Print "From", "To", "Cost", "Path"

  For j = 1 To n
    If v <> j Then Debug.Print v, j, IIf(A(j) = Infinity, "---", A(j)), GetPath(v, j)
  Next j

Next v
End Sub

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