I have a MongoRepository of
@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "tools")
public interface ToolRepository extends MongoRepository<Tool, Long>
Tool can be one of 2 implementations:
public class Screwdriver extends Tool
public class Hammer extends Tool
Tool is mapped using @JsonTypeInfo
@JsonTypeInfo(use =
com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include =
As.PROPERTY, property = "_class")
public abstract class Tool
When I do toolRepository.findAll()
this returns a JSON response of :
"_embedded" : {
"screwdrivers" : [ {
"name" : "Screwdriver",
} ],
"hammers" : [ {
"name" : "Hammer",
Expected response should be :
"_embedded" : {
"tools" : [ {
"name" : "Screwdriver",
"name" : "Hammer",
The collectionResourceRel
is not being obeyed for classes with Json mapping data in.
Investigating further; PersistentEntitiesResourceMapping.getMetadataFor()
(within Spring) is saying make sure that if there's no entry for these subclasses of tool inside the ResourceMetadata cache then use a TypeBasedCollectionResourceMapping
which results in each class having its own entry in the json response.
Is there a way of telling Spring data rest that a specific subclass should be bound to a specific repository, in this case is there a way of telling Spring data rest that Screwdriver is part of the ToolRepository
and therefore should use the collectionResourceRel
of this repository?
Try to set these annotations:
See working example. It's not about Mongo but I'm sure it will be useful...