I need to test my app on windows, but I am using a mac. It is very easy to package the app to run on windows, but I cannot package the app in dev-mode. I am using electron-is-dev to decide if I am running in dev or not. I need to run my tests on windows because I am testing a very specific windows hardware functionality. I don't want to comment my if(isDev){doSomething}
just to run these test, and then uncomment it before I push the change. I was hoping there is some flag I can set in the electron-build cli, or maybe run electon . -windows
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Parse the parameter by adding sample code below to your electron main.js
It can still be parsed on electron executable app by running in cmd like "electronapp.exe -windows"
The best way to do this so as to use the IsDev is to add the ELECTRON_IS_DEV environment variable to the app kinda like @carlokid suggested. I used: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34769146/3966009. This is the target I used for my app: