I was trying to figure out how to get a negative value of the slider when it goes back.
When I slide from left to right it returns a positive value. I need it to return a negative value when it goes back (from right to left).
In other words, how could I detect that the slider is going back?
self.borderSlider = [[UISlider alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 30)];
self.borderSlider.center = CGPointMake(self.view.centerX, SCREEN_WIDTH / 2);
self.borderSlider.minimumValue = 0.0f;
self.borderSlider.maximumValue = 100.0f;
self.borderSlider.tintColor = [UIColor grayColor];
[self.borderSlider addTarget:self action:@selector(borderSliderValueChanged:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
A simple example expressing what @rmaddy already stated in his comment: