Normally if I want to implement a factory pattern I will do it like this.
public class CustomFactory(){
// pay attention: parameter is not a string
public MyService getMyService(Object obj){
/* depending on different combinations of fields in an obj the return
type will be MyServiceOne, MyServiceTwo, MyServiceThree
MyServiceOne, MyServiceTwo, MyServiceThree are implementations of the interface MyService.
That will work perfectly fine. But the issue is that I would like to have my objects instanciated by Spring container.
I've looked through some examples and I know how to make Spring container create my objects depending on a string.
The queston is: can I include implemenations of objects by Spring Container in this example or should I make all my manipulations with Object obj in some other place and write a method public MyService getMyService(String string) in my CumtomFactory?
Well what do you think about following way? :
Answers to your questions in comment :
--> Yes definitely, you are getting those beans from Spring.
--> See below xml :
--> See getMyService() method in above code, it is updated.