I have a "dictionary table" called car_status that has an 'id' column and a 'status' column.
id status
1 broken
2 fixed
3 working
4 fast
5 slow
I have a table called cars with the columns: id, type, status_id
id type status_id
1 jeep 1
2 ford 3
3 acura 4
I am hoping to insert multiple records into cars and give them all the status associated with "working". What is the best/ easiest way? I know I can query and find the status_id that is "working", and then do an insert query, but is there anyway to do it with one insert query using a join or select?
I tried stuff like:
INSERT INTO cars (type, status_id)
SELECT id as status_id
FROM car_status
WHERE status = "working"
This is MS SQL, but I think you can do something like this:
Is there some reason you want to do it in a single statement? Personally, I'd just write an insert statement for each row. I guess you could also create a temp table with all the new types and then join that with the status id.