Link to example:
I am trying to extend the following example, so that when i move my mouse over the graph and i registered a mousemove callback, i'll get the corresponding data to the cursor position. In a best case scenario, i would get the current price of Januar 2000 if i hovered my mouse over that location. I tried the following:
.on('mousemove', function(d) {
.attr("clip-path", "url(#clip)")
.attr("d", area);
But if i do that, all i get is the complete data every time the event is triggered. Is there functionality implemented in d3.js to achieve my goal, or do i have to work with the event coordinates manually ?
Thanks in advance :)
I think you might have to, but it isn't too hard with scales:
Alternatively, in addition to the area graph you could also plot markers showing month/price and add an onclick event to each of them.
There might be a better way of doing this; offsetX is is funky with firefox.