This is my saving image to parse:
func uploadPost(){
var imageText = self.imageText.text
if (imageView.image == nil){
println("No image uploaded")
var posts = PFObject(className: "Posts")
posts["imageText"] = imageText
posts["uploader"] = PFUser.currentUser()
posts.saveInBackgroundWithBlock({ (success: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if error == nil{
//**Success saving, now save image.**//
// Create an image data
var imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(self.imageView.image)
// Create a parse file to store in cloud
var parseImageFile = PFFile(name: "upload_image.png", data: imageData)
posts["imageFile"] = parseImageFile
posts.saveInBackgroundWithBlock({ (success: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if error == nil{
// Take user home
println("Data uploaded")
How can I load the images from parse? This is how my "Posts" data looks like:
Any suggestions?
I think maybe something like using this:
self.imageView.sd_setImageWithURL(url, completed: block)
But I don´t know how I get the URL. And what if the images has different names?
try something like this
Where pfObject is the reference to your object. There are other ways you could check for a nil value, but this should work.
As long as you have a reference to the correct object (which you can get via a query for objectId) then you should only need the name of the column the image is file is stored in and not the image file itself.