XSLT Merge challenge Pt. II

2019-08-28 08:07发布

I have an XML document with 2 Customer Nodes (Current and Updated). I would like to be able to traverse through and produce a resulting XML document to merge the Customer and its various elements (Addresses, Contacts, Accounts, etc.) along with a status at the filed and parent level(s). The solution needs to be able to traverse through n number of child elements which may have n number of children themselves. The format of the input XML is open to change. I can make the Ids attributes if it helps.


 <Customer Id="Current">
          <Street>111 Main</Street>
          <Street>222 Main</Street>
     <Customer Id="Updated">
          <Street>111 Main</Street>
          <Street>333 Main</Street>


    <Customer Id="Updated" status="Changed">
       <CustRegion status="New"/>
     <Addresses status="Changed">
          <Street>111 Main</Street>
      <Address Status="Deleted">
          <Street>222 Main</Street>
      <Address Status="New">
          <AddressId status="New">3</AddressId>
          <Street status="New">222 Main</Street>
    <Contacts status="Changed">
      <Contact status="Changed">
        <ContactPhone tatus="New">555-1212</ContactPhone>
      </Contact status="New">

标签: xml xslt
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