I'm trying to find the Hook to edit the form label on woocommarce restration page (/my-account/) without luck. I want to add to functions.php what to change username label to. Username to: Username more text
I do not want to edit template files. Any ide what to do?
You will need to look and find out is the
for your described text to change to your custom value. A list of all the hooks:http://docs.woothemes.com/wc-apidocs/hook-docs.html
Once you locate the correct hook you can use the
to return the new text of Username eg.Optionaly, you can look into the css
selector to add some text, hoever this is a hack. These are the only way's withing using template files.Unfortunately the login form labels aren't filterable. You will need to override the
template in your theme and make your edits there.