I have created a shell script named "script.sh" which reads an arrays elements and prints it on terminal. The script is as follows:
arr=("hello" "world")
for i in ${arr[@]}
echo $i;
It gives expected output i.e 'Hello World' on executing it in terminal, but if I schedule the same script in crontab jobs to get executed automatically every minute and store the output in another file,the job fails and gives
/home/vikash/script.sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
The crontab job to execute the script every minute and store the output in another file is as follows:
* * * * * $HOME/script.sh >> $HOME/output.log 2>&1
How to use array in this scenario?? please help.
if this question is still valid, just run your script with
I also tried it with sh somehow it is not working with sh but with bash it suns smooth.
Add this before the first line of your script: