I am running the following code, found in this appendix of a paper https://wiley.figshare.com/articles/Supplement_1_R_code_used_to_format_the_data_and_compute_the_SSAS_/3528698/1 to calculate the Sexual Segregation and Aggregation Statistic in R - but keep getting the following error - presumably there is an issue with calling a function from C, but I cannot resolve it.
# Main function, computes both the SSAS (Sexual Segregation and
# Aggregation Statistic) and the 95% limits of SSAS
# under the assumption of random association of both sexes
SSAS <- function(x, conf.int = 0.95, B = 10000)
x <- as.matrix(x)
nr <- nrow(x)
nc <- ncol(x)
sr <- rowSums(x)
sc <- colSums(x)
n <- sum(x)
E <- outer(sr, sc, "*")/n
dimnames(E) <- dimnames(x)
tmp <- .C("chisqsim", as.integer(nr), as.integer(nc),as.integer(sr),
as.integer(sc), as.integer(n), as.integer(B), as.double(E), integer(nr * nc),
double(n + 1), integer(nc), results = double(B), PACKAGE = "stats")
obs <- sum(sort((x - E)^2/E, decreasing = TRUE))/n
sim <- tmp$results/n
p0 <- (1 - conf.int)/2
return(c(obs, quantile(sim, p0), quantile(sim, 1 -p0)))
# This function formats data to be run with the SSAS function
splitmfd <- function(mfd) {
loca1 <- function(x) {
x <- t(x[, 1:2])
dimnames(x) <- list(c("mal", "fem"), as.character(1:ncol(x)))
l0 <- split(mfd, mfd$mon)
lapply(l0, loca1)
# Example 1: Isard
rup <- read.table("http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/R/donnees/mfdrupicapra.txt",
h = T)
# Load data from the web
plot1 <- function(w, titre = "") {
plot(1:12, w[, 1], ylim = range(w), ax = F, pch = 19,
type = "n", ylab = "IK", xlab = "")
title(main = titre)
axis(1, 1:12, c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May",
"Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"))
axis(2, pretty(range(w)), tck = 1)
polyx <- c(1:12, 12:1)
polyy <- c(w[, 3], rev(w[, 2]))
polygon(polyx, polyy, col = grey(0.9))
points(w[, 1], pch = 19, type = "b")
# Function to plot data and 95\ levels of significance
l1 <- splitmfd(rup)
# Format data to be used with SSAS function
w <- matrix(unlist(lapply(l1, SSAS)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
# "w" is a matrix having 3 columns and 12 rows. In the first columns are
# the SSAS estimates for each month, and the lower and upper limits in columns 2
# and 3 respectively.
plot1(w, "Isard")
# Plot figure 3a
# Example 2: Red deer
cer <- read.table("http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/R/donnees/mfdcervus.txt",
h = T)
l1 <- splitmfd(cer)
w <- matrix(unlist(lapply(l1, SSAS)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
plot1(w, "Red deer")
# Plot figure 3c
# Example 3: Roe deer
cap <- read.table("http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/R/donnees/mfdcapreolus.txt",
h = T)
l1 <- splitmfd(cap)
w <- matrix(unlist(lapply(l1, SSAS)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
plot1(w, "Roe deer")
# Plot figure 3e
Here is my error:
w <- matrix(unlist(lapply(l1, SSAS)), ncol = 3, byrow = T) Error in .C("chisqsim", as.integer(nr), as.integer(nc), as.integer(sr), : "chisqsim" not available for .C() for package "stats"
This is a prime-example why you should not call internal C functions in R user code. R internals can (and do) change. Here, these changes are relevant: "more use of .Call" by Prof. Ripley.
Thus, you can change the function to this:
Then, the code runs, but I have not checked for correctness. So, no warranties (as usual on Stack Overflow).