How would I go about changing an int to a String or Char?
I have to take a 8 bit 2sc binary string and convert it to a signed decimal. I have figure out how to convert the string to a decimal but I am not allowed to use the following syscalls to print: 1, 5, 12, 34, 35, and 30.
How would I store it to be able to print it using syscall 4 or 11?
My code below:
addi $t7 $zero 0 # int $t7 = 0
lw $s1, ($a1) # Loads the address of the first argument
# Argument example: 0b11111110
lb $t0, 2($s1) # Loads 3rd char of Argument1 to $t1
bne $t0, 0x31, step2
addi $t7 $t7 -128
lb $t0, 3($s1) # Loads 4th char of Argument1 to $t1
bne $t0, 0x31, step3
addi $t7 $t7 64
lb $t0, 4($s1) # Loads 5d char of Argument1 to $t1
bne $t0, 0x31, step4
addi $t7 $t7 32
lb $t0, 5($s1) # Loads 6th char of Argument1 to $t1
bne $t0, 0x31, step5
addi $t7 $t7 16
lb $t0, 6($s1) # Loads 7th char of Argument1 to $t1
bne $t0, 0x31, step6
addi $t7 $t7 8
lb $t0, 7($s1) # Loads 8th char of Argument1 to $t1
bne $t0, 0x31, step7
addi $t7 $t7 4
lb $t0, 8($s1) # Loads 9th char of Argument1 to $t1
bne $t0, 0x31, step8
addi $t7 $t7 2
lb $t0, 9($s1) # Loads 10th char of Argument1 to $t1
bne $t0, 0x31, step9
addi $t7 $t7 1
li $v0 1
add $a0 $zero $t7