2019-01-01 02:33发布
How do I ignore files in Subversion?
Also, how do I find files which are not under version control?
I found the article .svnignore Example for Java.
Example: .svnignore for Ruby on Rails,
/log /public/*.JPEG /public/*.jpeg /public/*.png /public/*.gif *.*~
And after that:
svn propset svn:ignore -F .svnignore .
Examples for .gitignore. You can use for your .svnignore
Use the following command to create a list not under version control files.
svn status | grep "^\?" | awk "{print \$2}" > ignoring.txt
Then edit the file to leave just the files you want actually to ignore. Then use this one to ignore the files listed in the file:
svn propset svn:ignore -F ignoring.txt .
Note the dot at the end of the line. It tells SVN that the property is being set on the current directory.
Delete the file:
rm ignoring.txt
Finally commit,
svn ci --message "ignoring some files"
You can then check which files are ignored via:
svn proplist -v
You can also set a global ignore pattern in SVN's configuration file.
Adding a directory to subversion, and ignoring the directory contents
svn propset svn:ignore '\*.*' .
svn propset svn:ignore '*' .
svn status will tell you which files are not in SVN, as well as what's changed.
svn status
Look at the SVN properties for the ignore property.
For all things SVN, the Red Book is required reading.
I found the article .svnignore Example for Java.
Example: .svnignore for Ruby on Rails,
And after that:
Examples for .gitignore. You can use for your .svnignore
Use the following command to create a list not under version control files.
Then edit the file to leave just the files you want actually to ignore. Then use this one to ignore the files listed in the file:
Note the dot at the end of the line. It tells SVN that the property is being set on the current directory.
Delete the file:
Finally commit,
You can then check which files are ignored via:
You can also set a global ignore pattern in SVN's configuration file.
Adding a directory to subversion, and ignoring the directory contents
svn status
will tell you which files are not in SVN, as well as what's changed.Look at the SVN properties for the ignore property.
For all things SVN, the Red Book is required reading.